Thursday, July 21, 2011

Greetings Lovelies

It's Brittany!

I am happy to announce that this is my first blog post. I have been very busy with summer classes the last two months, and lets face it, my sister Ashley is the English major and I prefer to leave the writing to her. School is finally over and I am in dire need of a vacation, but I also realize how much extra time I have just acquired, so hopefully I will be blogging more often.

So after a stressful day of finals I come home to find the best pick-me-up: a UPS package with my name on it! Oh joy of joys, who doesn't get giddy when the UPS or FedEx trunk turns down their street?

I have won many pretty things from giveaways before and my new Nicole Lee Sade Handbag is such a beautiful addition to my closet. The bag is quite large so I chose a soft blue color that is just bright enough to make a statement and say "Hey look at me, I'm a nice bag!" without completely overshadowing my outfit.

The perforated details and the color make this bag a perfect accessory for summer as well as a great present for finishing my summer classes!

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